I got familiarized with CPM machine because of my ski accident. My knee was broken in several places that is why I needed surgery. On the second day after my surgery, I could try the machine in the hospital thanks for my doctor. I was only able to bend my knee in 30 degrees, however I really enjoyed the way how the CPM machine moved my knee even if it was a passive movement. I was really grateful for the machine because in the first weeks I couldn't move my leg alone. I really waited the usage of the machine every day because my leg wasn't moved actively. The more I used, I started to feel several benefits such as reduced pain and increased blood-flow in my leg. I could perfectly used parallel with my physiotherapy treatment. It was an amazing felling that I could bend my knee in a bigger move of range in every day. Until the tenth week I was only allowed to bend in 60 degrees. The following weeks I reached spectacular improvement with the CPM machine, because I could bend my leg in 100 degrees.
Unfortunately, due to the previous injury, I used more my other leg (knee), so 8 years after the accident I had to have a knee replacement in my other knee. In view of this, I had to use the CPM machine again, and with the help of a physiotherapist I did the prescribed physiotherapy, which helped me a lot in my quick recovery. The operation was performed by orthopaedic surgeon Dr György Hangody and his professional team at Dr Rose Private Hospital. I can't thank him enough for the fact that I was able to start working again two and a half weeks after the operation! The time in hospital was very comfortable. At Dr. Rose's, the patients are in a good hands, they listened to me, they listened to my every wish, so I would like to thank them for all the care I received there.
My aim is to get more people familiarized with the CPM machine effectiveness. I would like to help on those who are in the same situation as I was.